Ever thought about having sex with 3,000 people at once? I have.
Meggers grew up in the Midwest with a love for reading and psychology. She lives her truest life in spite of the conservative surroundings and is often a safe space for people to share their own authenticity. She loves being a mom, reading, gardening, and all things purple. She dreams of traveling the world to write a book Kinsey-style, a collection of people’s first masturbation stories.
Ever thought about having sex with 3,000 people at once? I have.
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©2008-2024 Jincey Lumpkin, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Juicy Pink BoxTM and Jincey Lumpkin® are registered trademarks of Jincey Lumpkin, LLC, and are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.